A wall mirror with the Kingston Dental Care logo on it


The WOW Factor

By Ronald K. Greif, D.D.S., Originally printed in St. Louis Women’s Journal Forget Veins and Wrinkles -This is the real WOW factor! Focus on your smile and this will get the attention and the confidence you always wanted. So many men and women I work with come in to see me wanting to be rid…

Your Gums, Your Body

By Sam E. Ruvinov, D.D.S. You may have read numerous articles on the subject, but I’ll chance it and say it again…the health of your gums effect the health of your body! According to the National Institute of Dental Research, nearly half of adult Americans have periodontal (gum) disease. Very often, patients are aware of…

Frequent Consumption of Sugary Beverages Causes Tooth Decay

We all know soda is bad for us, but do you really know what it’s doing to your teeth? The sugar in these delicious carbonated drinks combines with bacteria in your mouth to form an acid that attacks tooth enamel. These attacks last for about 20 minutes, and start over every time you take another…

Warning: Your Hormones May Cause Gum Disease

Women are continually getting the short end of the stick – suffering from hot flashes, PMS, and now gum disease. A new study revealed that fluctuations in women’s hormones during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause can change conditions in the mouth and create a breeding ground for bacteria. Not only can this cause damage to…

Your Oral Health Can Affect Your Body

We all know brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist are essential for maintaining a great set of teeth. But, do you really understand the real impact of forgoing proper oral care? Several recent studies have revealed that, not only can oral bacteria impact the health...

Do You Need to Have a Tooth Extracted?

Not every toothache will require such drastic treatment. Your dentist will decide, after assessing the condition of your tooth, what route of treatment makes the most sense for you. Worst case scenario: the tooth will be deemed incurable and will have to be removed. Though, for many toothaches, this step is often not necessary. A…

Oral Cancer: What You Should Know about the Disease

You always think cancer won’t happen to you – then it does. Defined as the uncontrollable growth of cells, cancer invades and causes damage to surrounding cells. Oral cancer, which includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and pharynx, appears as a growth or sore in…

Do You Know What Sugar Is Doing To Your Teeth?

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that overdoing it with sugar can damage your teeth. But, understanding exactly what sugar is doing to your oral health is an integral part of preventing any further damage. For starters, it’s not sugar alone that causes damage to your teeth, it’s the chain of events that…

Saliva and Teeth?

“Saliva contains components that can directly attack bacteria which cause decay, and it is also rich in calcium and phosphates that help to remineralise tooth enamel.” “Saliva contains antimicrobial components, as well as minerals that can help rebuild tooth enamel after attack by acid-producing, decay-causing bacteria.” – U.S. Surgeon General’s Report Where does saliva come…

Sleep Apnea

Internet special Sleep Apnea Consultation Free! Regularly $10800 Discount coupon. Print this coupon and bring it with you for a substantial discount on your first visit. New patients only. “Apnea” is derived from the Greek word “apnoia” or “apno”, and literally means “without breath”. People with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing during their sleep repeatedly.…